Green Girls STEM Foundation
I am the president of a Minnesota non-profit that supports diversity in the STEM fields by raising funds to create grants and scholarships for underrepresented groups in STEM. As an organization, we have raised over $3000 in the last 6 months, which will provide at least two scholarships to diverse college students seeking degrees in STEM. As the president, I am in charge of managing our scholarship submissions and creating the set of guidelines we use as an organization to score and select the winners. In addition to that, I help to manage our status as a Minnesota non-profit, our website, and the organization’s finances.

UMN Robotics Director of Programs
As the Director of Programs, I coordinate outreach between our organizations and schools in the twin cities area. Although this year my position has been limited to virtual interactions, I created and managed a social media video competition in which participants submitted a video teaching the general public about STEM. I have also planned and coordinated a presentation for students in the area which features videos of each project in UMN Robotics.
Programming Research for DendroElevator
As a researcher, I am responsible for managing my time, learning on my own, and creating proposals and presentations. For my research, I program in a language that I have learned largely on the job or by myself. I take initiative by reaching out to mentors when I need help and teaching my group about programming topics like GitHub.